General Website Disclaimer

This website provides you with general information that is true and accurate to the best of Lateral Partners Limited’s (Lateral Partners) knowledge.

We advise you that:

General information only:

The information on this website is general in nature and is not intended to be personalised financial advice. You should consult a professional financial adviser before making any financial decisions or taking any action based on the information on this website.

No liability:

Lateral Partners does not accept any liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of this website. This does not prejudice your statutory rights.

Accuracy of information:

While Lateral Partners Limited has taken all reasonable care to ensure the information on this website is accurate, errors and omissions may occur. We do not accept any responsibility for any inaccuracy, error or omission in the website’s content, or for any loss caused to anyone from relying on that information. We may change, delete, add to or otherwise amend the information published on this website without notice.

Historical information:

Any reference on this website to historical information and performance of a product or service may not necessarily be a good guide to future performance. You are solely responsible for any loss caused from relying on such information.

Third Party websites:

This website may contain links to other websites which are not under our control. Lateral Partners has no knowledge of or control over the content, and availability of those websites, or of their privacy practices. We do not sponsor, recommend, or endorse the content of other websites linked to, or referenced from, this website.

New Zealand law:

The information on this website has been prepared to comply with, and is governed by, New Zealand law. It is only intended for use by persons within New Zealand’s jurisdiction. Lateral Partners does not make any representation that the information on this website complies with the law in any other country.


Although we regularly update our cybersecurity and virus protection software, we do not guarantee that our website will be free from viruses or other malicious interference (such as spyware, malware, adware, ransomware and worms) that can damage your computer system and access your data.

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We do our best to keep this website running smoothly. However, we do not guarantee that access to the website will be uninterrupted. We accept no liability for any loss caused by the website being temporarily unavailable either during its planned maintenance or due to technical or other issues beyond our control.

Copyright and IP:

Unless otherwise indicated, all information on this website is the property of Lateral Partners and is protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. Unless stated otherwise, you may access and download the materials located on this website only for personal, or agreed upon commercial use. The website may contain a number of trademarks which are owned by Lateral Partners or used with the permission of the registered trademark owner. Before using any material on this website that is identified as being subject to copyright of a third party, you must obtain authorisation to use or reproduce the material from that third party.


Click here to read important information about us, our licence, the type of advice we offer, fees, commissions and other conflicts of interest.


Click here to read our Privacy Statement. This brief statement will help you to understand what personal information we collect, how we use it, and who we share it with. If you want to see more information about our privacy policy, click here to read our detailed Privacy Policy.

Blog disclaimer

The information contained in our blog is general in nature and is not intended to be personalised financial advice. Before making any financial decisions, you should consult a professional financial adviser. We accept no responsibility for any loss caused as a result of any person relying on any information from our blog.

Lateral Partners Limited believes the information in our blogs to be correct, and it has reasonable grounds for any opinion or recommendation contained in the blog on the date of posting.

Nothing in our blogs are, or should be taken as, an offer, invitation or recommendation to buy, sell or retain a financial product.

Copyright in this publication is owned by Lateral Partners Limited. You must not reproduce or distribute content from this publication or any part of it without prior permission.

Mortgage Repayment Calculator Disclaimer

The mortgage calculator assumes all debt is charged at the interest rate you select. It is unlikely that the interest rate will remain the same for the entire term of the loan and please be aware that any changes in interest rates may affect your repayments.

Please note that any changes to the loan term on your mortgage will affect the total amount you pay each week, fortnight or month. Please note that the overall interest cost of your loan may also be affected by the loan term and you should seek advice on this.

The payment frequency does not change the total amount you pay, it just allows you to see the amount from a different perspective.


  • Total payments = total amount of principal and interest you will pay over term of loan
  • Principal payments = percentage of the total payment that is principal
  • Interest payments = percentage of the total payment that is interest

These results are estimates only and are based on the information you have provided. The calculations have made a number of assumptions that will not necessarily apply to you. E.g. the interest rate remains the same across the whole loan for the entire term (this is unlikely because interest rates fluctuate and they are currently far lower that the historical average), you repay the same amount every payment for the term.

These figures have not taken into account all of your personal circumstances and do not necessarily reflect the amount that a lender will lend to you. You should not rely on these figures. If you would like lending advice, please contact one of our lending advisers.

Borrowing Calculator Disclaimer

Base Salary is the base income you receive and is not to include rent, dividends, car allowances, bonuses or other income items. These may be used to supplement your servicing but each lender treats these differently and therefore adding them in here will display an inaccurate result.

Please note that each bank uses a minimum monthly living cost as a baseline. This varies slightly between each lender / bank but on average sits at $1,200.00 for an individual, $1,800.00 for a couple and may also then increase with dependents.

Dependents are an expense that decrease your useable income. The calculator uses the same figures as lenders / banks to calculate the assumed cost of each dependent. On average this is $400 per month.

Please note that the lender / bank will assume a total expense for a credit card at 3% of its total limit, even if you pay it in full each month.

Please note that additional debts need to be assessed by the lender / bank and may decrease the overall useable income as the expense of these debts is accounted for. This includes Student Loans which are calculated at their actual cost per your most recent payslips.

These results are estimates only and are based on the information you have provided. The calculations have made a number of assumptions that will not necessarily apply to you.

These figures have not taken into account all of your personal circumstances and do not necessarily reflect the amount that a lender will lend to you. You should not rely on these figures. If you would like lending advice, please contact one of our lending advisers.