Finance Cost Calculator

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Development Finance Calculator

It is not always clear how much a development loan will cost you in actual dollar terms, so at Lateral Partners we have created this Development Finance Calculator. It is designed to give you the best estimate on the actual dollar cost of your development finance offer.

By completing the relevant sections you will be able to get an understanding as to the actual dollar cost of the development finance offer you have.


Principal Limit = this is the amount of money that will be available for the development EXCLUDING finance costs.

Facility Limit = this is the total limit INCLUDING the finance costs.

Opening balance = this is the amount you expect to be drawn on day one if you are refinancing any debt.

Effective Finance Rate = the dollar cost of your debt expressed as a percentage of the facility limit.

Monthly Management Fee = not all lenders will include this, however, some do and it is a flat monthly fee to manage the loan. It often covers travel and other costs.

How To Use

Please enter the limits and rates in the respective boxes to below. These should be expressed on your letter of offer. To note you will be provided either a principal limit or facility limit on your offer, it is important to get this correct in the top box. The facility limit at the bottom is designed to give you an estimate to the facility limit provided from a lender if only the principal limit has been stated on the offer letter.

Once you have filled in the relative boxes hit calculate and you will be presented with the dollar cost of your letter of offer.

DISCLAIMER - Please note, this is a best estimate and actual costs may vary. The calculator works on estimates of facility utilisation and is only as useful as the information input. Drawdown profile, loan term, contingency utilisation and other things will vary between developments so your actual cost may differ.


  • Principal Limit
  • Facility Limit


  • Months
  • Years

Opening Loan Balance


Interest Rate


Line Fee

  • Monthly
  • Annually

Establishment Fee


Monthly Management Fee


Broker Fee


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